Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Memories of old Rowdy the pack mule!

As a member of our family, I like everyone, have special memories that made an impression on me that might not be remembered by others. Do any of you remember the old pack mule, named "Rowdy"? She was used to carry cotton sacks from down in the field to the cotton trailer, where they were weighed and unloaded. Most of these sacks weighed between 50- 75 pounds....depending on who was doing the picking. I don't remember how many sacks she carried at a time, but it was several. On top of that, she had to carry one or two of us kids as we rode on top....playing like we were on a Camel in a far off land. She didn't seem to mind and was always so gentle and so sure footed that she never loss her load of cotton sacks and kids.

I don't remember how long Rowdy was on the farm, but it seems she was always there....and was there when we left. I have often wondered what happened to Rowdy after that.....I'm sure that she was sold and traded many times to different farms and served her owners to the best of her ability. I don't know how long a mule lives, but I heard somewhere that she had died several years ago, but had lived a long and faithful live. I hope she is somewhere in animal Heaven and living a more comfortable live and not carrying large cotton sacks.

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